Sunday, March 2, 2008

'Hit the drum, as though it were your last chance to do it'

Most Sundays afternoons I have my Taiko Training Workshop. When our teacher doesn't get the desired result from us he likes to exhort us on by asking us to hit the drum as though it were our last chance to do so, assuming we would die after that (and go to Taiko heaven - haha... this is my addition :-)... that would be MY kind of heaven)... The funny thing is we all play very well when he says that -- and then of course he wonders why we don't always play so well :-)...

This came up today in my Taiko class and I wondered if I could suggest to the readers of this blog to do the same for some other things in their lives. What is it you would dearly love to do well? What one thing would actually make a difference for the better in your life? If you have identified that, think then what one step could you take to accomplish it, if you knew you wouldn't fail, and that this was your last chance to do it perfectly. Just as we do at our Taiko class, give your all to ONE action and you will see your one clean stroke will 'produce a sound so perfect' that all of you will revel in the sense of accomplishment. So, what is it going to be that you will take your best shot at? And once you do it, what will you follow it next with? -- till your life is a series of perfectly executed master-strokes?

Food for thought - what?

Kiki ;-)
P.S. My request to those who 'borrow' from this blog is to please give adequate credit to the source of the borrowed information - whether me, or books and people I quote from. Thank you.

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