Thursday, January 31, 2008

At Gate 22

This past week a young new acquaintence introduced me to the song 'At Gate 22' by Quebec song-writer and singer Pascale Picard. She is a very new singer and this song was introduced only last fall. Being a little old-fashioned in my taste in music I might never have discovered her, so I'm grateful to my new friend for this introduction. I solidly recommend you listen to her -- very interesting voice, and style!

But back to the song 'At Gate 22'. The song is about making choices. The singer sings about choosing to leave, and yet admitting that a part of her will stay behind, at Gate 22, from where she's embarking on a new journey.

I thought this was a classic example of what happens to us all. Again and again, we find ourselves at cross-roads - and actually this happens each and every day, sometimes in big situations, sometimes in small. Do you remember what Yogi Berra said all those years ago? "If you see a fork on the road, pick it up!" :-)! I know I'm being flippant - and I wish it were this easy. But easy or not, life is movement -- and I would tend to agree with whoever said, "It is better to make a wrong decision than no decision at all," when the other option is stagnation. When feeling stuck, don't dig your head in the sand like some ostrich -- check within, with your heart, and do what makes it sing. And however nice this song is, I'd recommend you don't leave a part behind at Gate 22 - and 'wherever you go, go with your whole heart'... these are words on a bookmark I bought in Delray Beach last fall, I don't know who said them but I found them profound. Any journey, read also any action, if worth taking, is worth taking well, committing yourself fully, and engaging yourself whole-heartedly -- so that at its culmination, when you finally 'return home' your journey will have been a hero's journey!

Kiki ;-)
P.S. My request to those who 'borrow' from this blog is to please give adequate credit to the source of the borrowed information - whether me, or books and people I quote from. Thank you.

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