Monday, January 28, 2008

Every second you are creating your future...

'Be here now', 'Watch your thoughts', 'Be positive' is repeated again and again by those who know. Would it be helpful to understand, in simple language, why it's a good idea to follow these maxims? It is a good idea because we create for ourselves that which we think, each moment - consciously, and unconsciously. If this were true, which it is, why would we choose to not have thoughts that would help us manifest all that is good, wise, beautiful, restful, joyous? The reason that we often cannot control our minds is because buried deep in us are issues that, unknowingly to us, actually control our behavior. Then, despite wanting something better we end up attracting that which we don't want.

Below is a link to a documentary that illustrates very well, the functioning of the subconscious mind. I'm confident it will be very helpful to understand yourself better. It was sent to me by my friend Doreen Agostino, a healer in her own right. The purpose behind the making of the film was different -- but I'm using it to draw your attention to how we all are hurting in some way or another, and how we develop behaviors to couch our pain. Awareness then is the key to making any changes.

"The new breeds of children are showing us another way, illustrated in this Emmy Winning Documentary. The outcome is a beautiful gift of hope and inspiration for all!"

Please cut and paste this link in your browser window. You are in for a treat!

Kiki ;-)
P.S. My request to those who 'borrow' from this blog is to please give adequate credit to the source of the borrowed information - whether me, or books and people I quote from. Thank you.

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