Thursday, January 24, 2008

Disappointments in life...

We all know the feeling -- there's been a sense of expectation; nothing can go wrong now, we think; we've put our best foot forward; there's eager anticipation in the heart... and then BOOM - everything falls apart - things happen that weren't supposed to happen - 'NO FAIR' we want to scream! This is not my fault! And even as we watch, the castle-in-the-air starts to disintegrate; soon the images get hazy, and hazier... the only 'image' is in the heart and the solar-plexus, and yecch, doesn't feel good at all in there.... Now what?, we ask ourselves. OK - hold it right there...

And no, reaching for the pills is not allowed. At least, not yet! And don't worry, you'll still be able to sleep. DON'T use artificial and chemical means to dull the pain within. Your body needs and deserves more respect and care than that. Try this instead...

Stop all action and activity. Sit down comfortably. Slowly start breathing in through the mouth, and exhale deeply through a slightly open mouth. Three breaths into the exercise, you will realize you are getting better every few seconds. Do this long enough (7-10 or 12 times) to get a feeling of balance back in the body. 'Visualize' the empty space created through all the exhalations, and now 'see' yourself filling this inner space with a golden-white light, healing and soothing you -- slowly see this light spread everywhere within -- stay with the sense of calm and peace that begin to pervade, and KNOW that this is what you deserve, and not the sense of turmoil within, which will attract more of the same.

How many times have you heard, 'Every cloud has a silver lining'? 'When one door closes, another opens', 'Our faith is continuously tested', and finally 'Adversity introduces a man to himself' (and women too :-)!)! So, excuse me, just a sec, while I remind you that tomorrow is a new day... and the REST of your life is waiting. OR, put another way, 'Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life' - how about that?

Kiki ;-)
P.S. My request to those who 'borrow' from this blog is to please give adequate credit to the source of the borrowed information - whether me, or books and people I quote from. Thank you.

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