Tuesday, January 8, 2008

With reference to the January 2 post - on 'our mirrors'

I found this beautiful poem by Hafiz, which as I read it this time, seemed to illustrate the 'mirroring' I've been writing about. Then halfway down, it shifts beautifully to a deeper experience of the 'self':


There is a wonderful game we should play,
And it goes like this:

We both hold hands and look into each other's eyes
And scan each other's face.

Then I say,
"Now tell me the difference you see between us."

And you might respond,
"Hafiz, your nose is ten times bigger than mine!"

Then I would say,
"Yes, my dear, almost ten times!"

But let's keep playing.
Let's go deeper,
Go deeper.
For if we do,
Our spirits will embrace
And interweave.

Our union will be so glorious
That even God
Will not be able to tell us apart.

There is a wonderful game
We should play with everyone
And it goes like this...

Blessings to Daniel Ladinsky for his translations of Hafiz in the book "I heard God Laughing" - Poems of Hope and Joy.

It is one my very valuable possessions!

Kiki ;-)
P.S. My request to those who 'borrow' from this blog is to please give adequate credit to the source of the borrowed information - whether me, or books and people I quote from. Thank you.

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