EVERYBODY! Everybody is entitled to ENLIGHTENMENT. It is not the home turf of a privileged few. It WAS, through the ages, it IS now, and WILL BE in the future, the first and foremost birthright of everyone who was, and will ever be, born. And not merely our birthright, it is our very raison d'etre - the reason why we are born as human beings, the destiny we are meant to fulfil, which is to finally overcome our conditioning, break through the bonds of all inherited and self-created fears, stemming from ignorance, and a lack of understanding of our subconscious.
If Enlightenment is every one's right, then why are so few associated with this hallowed state of being, one may be tempted to question? One of the dictionary meanings of the verb 'to enlighten' is to make free of ignorance, prejudice, superstition. I believe that these three and their variations, are among the principal causes of confusion in most people's minds who then believe that this phenomenon is the purview of religion, of dogmatic thinking, it is a state of being that demands sacrifice and necessitates the abandoning of living rich and fulfilled lives.
The sad truth is that Enlightenment has nothing to do with any of this. It is more akin to a personal peeling, layer after layer, of all the junk that coats the brilliant diamond we are within, till our radiant self is revealed. And once it is revealed, what happens next? Well, there's a zen saying: 'Before and after enlightenment, chop wood carry water!' Nothing changes, because we continue to live as human beings, and yet, EVERYTHING changes because all the masks we have been wearing get taken off our faces, and we no longer feel the need for the masks. The lightness of being at this state is invaluable, and has no parallel.
Try it my friends...
Kiki ;-)
P.S. My request to those who 'borrow' from this blog is to please give adequate credit to the source of the borrowed information - whether me, or books and people I quote from. Thank you.
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