Friday, December 28, 2007

To Do - To Have - To Be

A very important 'growth step' in my life was being on a teleconference with Jack Canfield, author/mentor, who along with Mark Victor Hansen has brought us the 'Chicken Soup' series. On the teleconference, Jack said that one of his mentors had done an exercise with him where he had asked Jack to make three lists - under the headings I Do, I Have, I Am - and under each of these headings to list as many items as wished. I had already done similar work with a variation; most New Agers, spiritual writers, guides, coaches, mentors, and workshop leaders use one variation or another of this exercise with their clients -- but Jack's exercise was wonderful in its simplicity - also, I have great respect for him, and trust his work, especially since he's a Psychosynthesist too. I have since used it myself, and with my clients to open them up to stop playing small, and to experience first hand 'the power of intention'.

I call it the 'Power of Intention Exercise' and have added some extra elements and guidelines to make it still more user friendly. Others have talked about making long lists, with some suggesting as many as a 100 items or more in each list. My advice is to write a minimum of ten, and up, in each list. Then itemize the most important five wishes of yours amongst things you want to do, you want to have, and you want to be. This exercise is for all ages, so don't look for excuses :-), that this is not for you! Bill Clinton has been quoted as saying: 'You are old when your memories outweigh your dreams.' I too believe we're never too old to dream...

The must do's for the lists are:

Write things you passionately want to do, to have and to be. Manifestation is faster when positive emotions are associated with our desires; when the overriding emotion around them is JOY!

The don'ts:

- Don't specify a sum of money that you want; instead add to your list what you'll want with that money e.g. a car, a vacation or whatever your heart desires.

- Don't wish for something for someone else, because they may not be ready to receive, and may subconsciously be already sabotaging their having it. If you know that someone in your life wants something, get them to make their own list. Hand in your resignation as a control freak :-)!

- Don't wish for a specific someone ;-)! - you can't do this because the desire may not be reciprocal and you are thus already setting yourself up for failure.

Another way of looking at focusing on others and/or their needs is interfering in someone else's karma, which is always a no-no!

Once your lists are done, look at them everyday. Very slowly, visualize yourself receiving and savoring what it was you desired. Experience the deep enjoyment and relishing of the 'manifested' wishes at a deep cellular level.

Okay guys - have fun ... and remember, you are in the best situation to help others if you first have what you want to give away, so don't worry about being considered selfish, or having guilt around wanting, and wanting a lot. The Universe is abundant -- there's enough for everyone... a belief in lack stems from poverty consciousness.

Keep those comments coming... private or public...

Kiki ;-)
P.S. My request to those who 'borrow' from this blog is to please give adequate credit to the source of the borrowed information - whether me, or books and people I quote from. Thank you.

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