Friday, December 14, 2007

If your life were perfect

... what would a perfect day in it be like? Let's pick up a pen and some paper, and starting in the morning, let's write down exactly how your day would unfold.

What time would you wake up?

What would you do?

Where would you be?

What would you eat?

How would this day be spent?

If asked, what words would you like to use to describe how you're feeling?

Who are the people around you?

Or would you prefer to be by yourself, away from people, from crowds?

Take your time and describe this day, in the smallest detail. After the writing is done, go back to it and read it very slowly - stopping with each sentence and taking the time to FEEL whatever positive emotion each action brings. Really feel the joy, the contentment, the peace, the satisfaction, the lightness of being. Once this is complete, put this piece of paper safely away, but not too far away -- because you need to occasionally look at it.

If there are thoughts that interfere with the good and positive feelings, just breathe out these negative thoughts, and replace them with good ones.

What are we doing, you ask? Well, we are training our minds to help us create that which we want in our lives - fair enough :-)?

Before I close, I want to sincerely thank each and everyone of you who has written to me - to either acknowledge this blog, or to share how much they are benefitting from these daily writings. It is very gratifying to get emails from readers who say that on some days they feel a certain piece was written just for them.

Kiki ;-)

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