Saturday, February 23, 2008

The Eagle and the Grasshopper - A story in 3 parts

As a result of being on various mailing lists of spiritually-inclined networks and websites, I discovered Ed Spina one year and ordered his book 'The Mystic Warrior' and thoroughly enjoyed reading it.

Last November he wrote the following story in his Newsletter which made me go 'Aaaaahhhh' and I decided to save it in my archives. It completely reflects how I think, and am happy to share it with everyone today :-)...


***** The Mystic Warrior Newsletter *****
November 2007 -- Issue #27
The Eagle and the Grasshopper

Once upon a time there was a grasshopper, who through
diligent practice became one of the best hoppers in the
land. She loved hopping so much, she began teaching other
grasshoppers how to hop. She was very disciplined and
required they faithfully follow her commands. She told her
students what to eat, when to eat and how to eat. During
their practice sessions, she barked out orders telling them
exactly what to do.

Soon, baby grasshoppers that had never hopped before were
learning how to hop, adults that could barely hop were
hopping much better, and even those who already were good
hoppers could now hop much higher. The teacher felt very

Then one day a creature showed up that she had never seen
before - an eagle. She was determined to teach the eagle how
to hop, as she was certain that hopping was the path to
fulfillment and enlightenment. But every time she approached
the eagle, he just said, "There is no need." She kept
trying, but the eagle insisted, "There is no need." Finally,
at a large gathering of all the grasshoppers, she pointed to
the eagle and announced angrily, "No matter what I say or
do, this stupid eagle will never learn how to hop. He does
not understand us."

The eagle looked at the grasshoppers and said, "You are
content with hopping, but I can fly."

(Continued tomorrow)

Kiki ;-)
P.S. My request to those who 'borrow' from this blog is to please give adequate credit to the source of the borrowed information - whether me, or books and people I quote from. Thank you.

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