Thursday, November 20, 2008

Off to Toys R Us we go...

OK - just do it, today! Take that child part of you shopping. Am I kidding you? No way... I'm more serious than I've ever been... Go on - take that child part of you shopping -- the one that somehow got left behind in the process of growing up -- the one whose needs were not met while young, and growing up... Oh sure, it received what its parents thought was best for her/him but it wasn't what the child wanted, at all. We don't know what beliefs it formed then... Whether it decided it just didn't deserve anything nice, or whether it bought into the negative belief that it needed to be smarter, prettier, funnier, cuter, more hard-working, a big-earner, a workaholic, or anything unnatural of similar nature, to be deserving of material things or non-material like attention, praise, acknowledgement, unconditional love etc. etc. Take THAT child shopping - for no reason at all, but simply because it lives right there within you, still waiting and hankering after love -- and once inside the Toys R Us, or any such store, walk the aisles till this part of you needs you to stop before something and buy it, and bring it home :-)!

The more care such parts within us receive -- in other words the RE-PARENTING these parts receive, will help them blossom and thrive making YOU, the you that you ARE, this here and now adult you, become more solid and grounded. And yes... this part of you DOESN'T NEED adult toys - just the plain and simple kiddy toys...

For more information on this work please use the comment space to contact me (not forgetting your email address - and if you don't want me to post your comments I won't). You may also, contact me through for more information on Inner Child work.

Not sure what to make of this information? Just go and see the movie "W"... and see what happened to poor George W.

Kiki ;-)
P.S. My request to those who 'borrow' from this blog is to please give adequate credit to the source of the borrowed information - whether me, or books and people I quote from. Thank you.

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