Thursday, April 10, 2008

So, who is the saboteur in you?

If you had been reading this blog from the beginning, your hand would be up. You'd know the answer to this question :-).

The saboteur, that stops you from manifesting your ideal life is one or several parts of you, within you. Sounds awful and a bit scary I know. But this is very useful information to have because unless we know the enemy, how are we going to deal with it? And actually the saboteurs within us are pretty pathetic, because they developed as a result of thwarted wishes and desires from a long, long time ago. From a time when due to insufficient physical, or mental, or emotional, or financial, or even spiritual development, we were not able to take care of ourselves and meet our own needs, wants and desires. We were dependent on others for these who didn't always understand their importance in our lives. The unmet needs created a negative energy space within and we felt like victims -- perhaps buying into the belief that we didn't deserve, or were not good enough to have this thing we wanted so badly. These beliefs are examples of what these saboteurs might be, and each time that we come close to achieving what WE, the adult present part of us desires, along comes the saboteur from a long time ago to wave the flag in our face, screaming: NO, YOU CAN'T HAVE THIS - YOU DON'T DESERVE IT.

How can we fix this? Please see the next blog.

Kiki ;-)
P.S. My request to those who 'borrow' from this blog is to please give adequate credit to the source of the borrowed information - whether me, or books and people I quote from. Thank you.


Anonymous said...

Kiki - you haven't updated your blog for a while. I come here every day to here your wisdom. Its been a while now.

Kiki ;-) said...

Thanks for staying on my case, honey :-)... The blog's back!