Sunday, April 13, 2008

The next few steps

After doing the first step, proceed by going back in time to a moment when a similar experience took place. You didn't have the money or resources to acquire something you really wanted to have. Get into the details of the incident/event. Once again explore your emotions, naming them, and truly FEELING them.

Continue this process by going to an earlier, time and connecting with a similar experience.

Then, go to yet another, and still earlier time in your life when you had another similar experience.

Continue with the steps till you can't get to a younger age. Mind you, the younger you can go to the better this will work. That's why doing an exercise like this with a trained guide is more beneficial but nevertheless, doing it however you can is better than not attempting it.

At the end of the exercise, you probably got in touch with an incident or event where a fairly simple, or small need of yours was not met.

My own example of this exercise brought an amazing memory recall of being 4 or 5 and being given some money by my mother to offer at the alter in an Indian temple. While waiting our turn outside, I was approached by a candy-seller and I exchanged the money my mother had given me for a piece of candy. Pretty soon she discovered what I had done, and being a stickler for what we ate (too much candy was not part of it) she scolded the candy-seller and made me return my 'shopping'. I recalled then that I had been deeply disappointed. Seen in isolation, this may be an everyday event in a child's life, but the fact of its showing up when I was consciosly looking for answers to a certain dysfunctional behavior in myself said volumes about what needed healing in me.

So, at the end of your own exercise, when you connect with what it was that you were denied, take yourself shopping and buy that object, or anything else that feels like a good enough substitute, for yourself.

Try it -- you'll be on your way to beginning the healing ptrocess within.

Kiki ;-)
P.S. My request to those who 'borrow' from this blog is to please give adequate credit to the source of the borrowed information - whether me, or books and people I quote from. Thank you.

If interested you may contact me for further investigation of this exercise. This work can be done by phone also.

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