Sunday, November 18, 2007

As promised yesterday, the 5-minute tip ...

First off, thank you all, who sent their comments and congratulations - all accepted with a warm fuzzy feeling in my heart :-)! I'm aware that posting your comments requires you to have a gmail add and that's a problem for some, who wrote at my regular hotmail add. I'm not a techie, and learning on the job :-) - will see if I can find a way around it.


Ok, here goes - get hold of a notebook, of any sort, but a nicely bound notebook with a nice cover will add specialness to the exercise. The one I'm presently using (I've gone through a few in the past few years) has a thick burgundy cover with a lattice-work of small golden leaves printed all over it. Very beautiful! I call it my Gratitude Journal! So could you. Ok, here's the deal:

EVERY night at bedtime, better if you're already in bed, ready to sleep, write down in your notebook 5 events that happened that day, that you're grateful for. Remember, the key is, which events brought you relief, or comfort, or joy, a song to your lips, made you whistle a tune, took your breath away? Any, and all of these merit a place in your Gratitude Journal. I just begin by writing: Thank you God ... OR Thank you my Higher Self ... and itemize 5 things that happened that very day. You may write more, but not less. I've had days when my list runs to 10 or more items - oh, happy day!

Well, there you go! And, this is what is happening:

Being in a state of gratitude you are experiencing 'positive emotions' - which the ever-present Universal Law of Attraction will bring you more of ... by bringing into your life more of the same.

This is one of my all-time favorite topics :-)! I dream sometimes of men, women and children in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan writing Gratitude Journals - as well children living in poverty everywhere in the world. Some might say this is idealistic, but hey - better to be an idealist than a harbinger of negativity and fear! There's too many of those around already. I truly believe the world needs more happy dreams - and cheers to that (with 'coffee' at this early hour, in Montreal)!

A parting quote: 'Don't count your years by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away'!

And tomorrow - some more rules pertaining to the gratitude list, but don't wait and waste today - get crackin' already, if motivated ...

Have a wonderful day,

Kiki ;-)

Comment: Thanks a lot, Fran and Kitty for your encouragement :-)!


Fran Sterling said...

WOW. Awesome you! I went to put on a comment ... and next thing I know I am signing up for a blog:

who would have thunk!

much love dear One for your gracious sharingz from your heart.

Love, Fran

Kimbro said...

Hi Kiki,
Thanks for emailing me with your blog invite. It makes a nice break from the daily business routine.

I get a buzz out of helping people to get their internet businesses on the right track. I am grateful for the oportunity to do this successfully.

Although it is a lot of work [I do it for free] the feeling I get when people email me with their great responses sees me through.

I know first hand how powerful the law of attraction is and have placed a movie on my site to that end. Many people are watching it daily. I watch it too.

I agree with you that meditating on the good events of the day just before going to sleep has possitive ongoing effects.

It is really lovely to see someone like yourself promoting this on the internet. Anything to balance the regurgitated rubbish on the net is a welcome relief.

I don't want this to sound like a promo for my new site designed as a resource for writers like yourself but in case you want to drop by here is the address: