Tuesday, November 27, 2007

First, stop beating your own self up ...

Let's break this business of 'Conscious Language' into tinier bits, to bite, chew, and digest.

In the course of the day today I met several people, and it still amazes me to find how easily people will denigrate themselves, get mad at themselve, and call themselves names such as a fool, stupid, idiot, nutcase etc. Why people do it is for later, but for now, let's ask ourselves what we can do to stop ourselves, if we're induging in this self-flagellation. In the beginning, when I was new to this concept, and indulged indiscriminately in using UNconscious language, no sooner did I catch myself doing it, I would just put my index finger up, in space (on an imaginary 'mouse') and say 'delete, delete, delete' :-) ... to disconnect from self-beating. It was funny, made everyone around me laugh, and I felt I was finally doing something to break the bad habit. By contrast, when I did something smart I'd pat myself on my back, as if to say 'good girl'! ITry it and you'll see how empowering it is!

As always, please feel free to forward to anyone you know who'll benefit from these writings.

Kiki ;-)

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