Monday, November 26, 2007

Changing the words we use ...

As a young child in India, I used to often hear my mother tell my siblings and I, to say only good things. "Because," she used to say, "there's a magic moment in each day when anything you say, comes true - and you want to be sure to be saying good things all the time, because no one knew when the magic moment was." She would tell us that there was a story about a man who decided to create untold wealth for himself by using this principle of 'the magic moment', by repeating all day long a wish for manifesting great wealth. On a chosen day, he repeated all day long that may he become the richest man in town. The whole day passed and nothing happened. At the very end of the day, in disgust, he cried, "Satyanash!" - an Indian word uttered in disgust and anger, to mean 'Everything is destroyed' (OR 'May everything be destroyed') ... and of course, guess what? - everything that man already owned turned to dust, nevermind his dreams of future wealth!

I remembered this story a few months ago, after what must be decades. I was pondering the fact of 'conscious language' and from the deep recesses of my past it emerged. How simply the traditionalists used stories and fables to impress the Spiritual Laws upon us. This was but another way my mother tried to teach us the Law of Attraction, by de-intellectualizing it!

A 75-year old friend once told me, when I was spewing forth on this subject :-), that his Bible-reading grandma used to tell him that the scriptures said, "Thoughts are things"! So, if thoughts are things, why not just have the good ones! Ever catch yourself say 'with my kind of luck', 'bad things happen in threes', '(I'm) waiting for the other shoe to drop', 'I'm a good candidate for this (some horrendous) disease, because it runs in my family' ... Well, now that you know this, what're you gonna do? What will you choose to think, and believe, and say? It's your call now ...

Kiki ;-)

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