Saturday, November 24, 2007

A promise is a promise ... and 'dreams alive' ...

The 'promise' in the subject line is a promise to myself - to write this blog everyday, each day ... no relenting - no getting de-motivated. The previous blog was written very late last night and even as the prospect of doing two in one day loomed large I told myself, no matter, if I have to do a second one then that's what I'll do. I'm very pleased with myself for my determination, and for my word to me being 'IMPECCABLE'! (Did you read 'The Four Agreements' by Don Miguel Ruiz?)

Reverting to yesterday's suggestions, of steps to take to keep the 'writing dream' alive, the rationale behind the actions was to keep the self-sabotaging at bay, that's all. We often find that some of our long cherished dreams do come true, but others simply fade away. I happen to believe that the ones that faded away were viewed by us, at a deep level, as hard to achieve, because we already believed, ahead of time, at a deep level, that they would not/could not, come true. We set ourselves up for failure by being filled with self-doubt and not believing in our dreams, and still less that they would actually come true. This negative thought process is part of being human, and to control such thoughts is not easy. Therefore, taking small and big actions in the direction of the dream, keeps the mind diverted from sabotaging thoughts, and willy-nilly creates positive focus on what we'd like to see manifested. Where we end up in life is totally a result of the choices we made, each time there was a fork in the road. So, when the fork appeared, which road did you choose? The one that took you towards your dream, or the one that took you away from it? Never mind the compulsions. Which way did you fork?

I recently saw a quote associated with the recently deceased Swedish film-maker Ingmar Bergen: "I carry within me, my own demons and angels." That is true, not just for Mr. Bergman, but for all humanity. We all carry within our own demons, and it's these demons residing in our subconscious minds that all but control the directions our lives take, and shall take. I'm reminded of another quote - this one by Carl Jung: "Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life, and you will call it fate." Are you surprised, at this definition of fate? So, guess what? Your fate is in your own hands, by the sounds of it! That can only be good news, n'est-ce pas? Isn't it? Get to know the demons and take the power back from them, to make the right choices, to have results of your own choosing.

Ok dokey - enough food for thought here ...

Kiki ;-)

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