Saturday, February 20, 2010

The two big benefits of writing a 'gratitude journal'

If you're my relative, a friend, an acquaintance, a client, a co-traveller on the seat next to mine or anyone at all who spends more than a few minutes with me, I'm going to exhort you to write a 'gratitude journal' - five things that you were/could be grateful for during the day...write them down at the end of the day, before you go to sleep, in a nicely-bound journal. Just do it - to watch your life change before your very eyes!

Why, you ask?

Firstly, to break the pattern of negativity which we all succumb to. When we focus on things that are going wrong or badly we just keep attracting more and more of the same. By remembering to include into our focus, things that go right, we change the old pattern of negativity.

Secondly, since our emotions are the magnets that attract pleasant or unpleasant events into our life, it is worth the trouble to keep them as happy and upbeat as possible. Writing a gratitude journal keeps our emotions light, upbeat, pleasant and positive, helping us attract more positive events in our lives.


Kiki ;-)


Anonymous said...

Thanks! This helped a bunch! I've seen several
rather confusing websites lately, this cleared up some confusion I had.

Kiki ;-) said...

You are very welcome! For a 'truth' to be a truth, it must be possible to define it simply! 'Truth' doesn't need frills and make-up :)! Also I'm intrigued that I returned to my blog after very, very long and you already caught my first piece written after months!!!