Monday, December 8, 2008

5 minutes to HAPPINESS...

You're wondering, right? Is this some kind of a joke? Happiness in 5 minutes? Well, it IS possible - this is a tried and true exercise, from my own experience and many, many of the hundreds of people I've shared this with. I've spoken about this several times on this blog and felt inspired to write again today because of a wonderful lunch I had with a friend last week. I spoke to her about making a gratitude list every night, sometimes I refer to it as keeping a Gratitude Journal. The idea really caught the her imagination and she emailed me the next day about how it shifted her energy, and how happy she was to start enumerating all her many blessings. If you've missed the earlier information on how to do this exercise, here it is again, from an entry from November 2007. For more detail please see the first three posts of November 2007.


Ok, here goes - get hold of a notebook, of any sort, but a nicely bound notebook with a nice cover will add specialness to the exercise. The one I'm presently using (I've gone through a few in the past few years) has a thick burgundy cover with a lattice-work of small golden leaves printed all over it. Very beautiful! I call it my Gratitude Journal! So could you. Ok, here's the deal:

EVERY night at bedtime, better if you're already in bed, ready to sleep, write down in your notebook 5 events that happened that day, that you're grateful for. Remember, the key is, which events brought you relief, or comfort, or joy, a song to your lips, made you whistle a tune, took your breath away? Any, and all of these merit a place in your Gratitude Journal. I just begin by writing: Thank you God ... OR Thank you my Higher Self ... and itemize 5 things that happened that very day. You may write more, but not less. I've had days when my list runs to 10 or more items - oh, happy day!

Well, there you go! And, this is what is happening:

Being in a state of gratitude you are experiencing 'positive emotions' - which the ever-present Universal Law of Attraction will bring you more of ... by bringing into your life more of the same.

This is one of my all-time favorite topics :-)! I dream sometimes of men, women and children in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan writing Gratitude Journals - as well children living in poverty everywhere in the world. Some might say this is idealistic, but hey - better to be an idealist than a harbinger of negativity and fear! There's too many of those around already. I truly believe the world needs more happy dreams - and here's to that.

Kiki ;-)

P.S. My request to those who 'borrow' from this blog is to please give adequate credit to the source of the borrowed information - whether me, or books and people I quote from. Thank you.

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