Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Matrix - or life as we are experiencing it...and also

...what we can do about it...

This blog is being written to gently remind the readers of what our true reality is, and that by taking small, everyday steps to stay connected with ourselves, and by maintaining or healing (as the case may be) our Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual aspects, we can live wholesome, healthy, meaningful and purposeful lives - where we take responsibility for, and are fully empowered to, taking the best care of ourselves. Whether, then, intentionally or unintentionally, we become guiding lights for those who need the information we have - lighting, in turn, other candles with our light! I have done it - so many have, and I can show you how you can too!

Keep following the blog and take the steps suggested - you won't recognize yourself in less than one year :-)!!!

Let me leave you with Chief Seattle's famous quote, and my comment:

'When you know who you are; when your mission is clear and you burn with the inner fire of unbreakable will; no cold can touch your heart; no deluge can dampen your purpose. You know that you are alive.'

Chief Seattle


Kiki: How do we know when we're on track to 'being alive'? It is when our head, our heart, and our solar plexus are aligned. (The solar plexus is also known as the third chakra; the seat of empowerment/disempowerment; anger and peace; the area in the body where we hold emotions, is the part between the navel and the point where the ribs curve and meet at the base of the sternum.) When the head and heart are aligned, the solar plexus is calm - if it is not calm, the head and heart are NOT aligned...we are confused, and wanting things to be as they are not.

The reference to the Matrix here is specially to introduce the next few posts, from author Ed Spina's article and excellent description of the Matrix, or the illusory life. (As always, please google names and terms you find in my posts, for further information.)


Kiki ;-)

1 comment:

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