Friday, March 13, 2009

Happy sigh!!!!!...

...because I have such a l-o-o-o-o-n-g list of things to be grateful for! It's a no-brainer -- be grateful for what you have, and you have more to be grateful for!!!


Kiki ;-)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

At the end of the day...

...what really matters is how grateful you were for what you already have, and how successful you were in keeping your spirits high, and a smile on your face!!! This isn't easy??? Sure - no one said it was, but if you care about what the rest of your life is going to be like, then this is guranteed to be the shortest way to how you wanted it to be!


Kiki ;-)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Matrix (concluded)...

(Continued - and with gratitude to Ed Spina, author of The Mystic Warrior)

Clearing yourself of negative energies through daily
meditation can provide a direct link to the "ultimate
reality," i.e., the pure consciousness residing within each
of us.

As your negative beliefs are purified through regular
contact with the "light" of your divine nature, unhealthy
emotions, such as fear and anger, will naturally begin to
diminish, and you'll be free to transcend to higher states
of consciousness. You will "download" more of your own true
self, while simultaneously and automatically attracting
others of similar vibration.

Your world will become more synchronistic. You will repel
angry, fearful people, and those who stick around will
become calmer and more centered. You will radiate love. By
simply being in higher consciousness, you will have a
greater effect on the world than the most gifted orators and
political leaders.

The higher your consciousness and energy are vibrating, the
faster your thoughts will manifest. When you align with your
innermost self, you are aligned more closely with the Source
of all creation. At the apex of your individual
consciousness, you are connected with The One. You then have
at your disposal the entire universe to help you manifest
the highest good for all.

In actuality, we are single points of awareness in the
Oneness that is Reality. What we interpret as the physical
world is the projection of this awareness, which is taking
place in the Mind of God. We are, as Shakespeare pointed
out, merely "actors" in a divine play.

When we wake up to this knowledge, the play does not stop.
We are free to act or interact, in bliss and peace,
unattached to the Matrix. We have within us the power to
create "heaven on earth."

In the past several newsletters, I have described various
methods you can use to release fear, eliminate anger, dis-
identify with your emotions, take back your power, listen to
your inner master, and be yourself. The goal of all of these
exercises is the same: to help you escape the Matrix.

To prepare for your escape, please visit:

Best wishes,


I'd like to hear from you. Please let me know if you have a
subject you'd like to explore from a mystic perspective.
I'll try to address it in a future newsletter. Please send
your comments or suggestions to:


I posted Ed's entire newsletter because this is his original piece. I could have re-invented the wheel and said the same thing in my words but chose not to. Your going to his website and signing up for something doesn't benefit me in any way. I'm just happy to introduce him to still more people.


Kiki ;-)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Matrix (contd) - and how to escape it...

(Continued - and with gratitude to Ed Spina, author of The Mystic Warrior)

Escaping the Matrix is a metaphor for the mystic path to

The Matrix can be defined as the world that we perceive,
which includes the physical world, as well as higher planes
of emotions and thoughts, which also affect us.

Within the Matrix, are countless fear-based thoughts and
emotions that condition us to accept limitations. We are
taught that we have little power, and what little power we
do have, we are advised to delegate to authority figures and

Swimming in a sea of negative thoughts, we are prompted to
use our creative ability to imagine even more negative
thoughts. Without introspection, the Matrix gets darker and
more dense.

Anyone who blindly accepts these prevalent, negative
thoughts will have his or her life path dictated by the

But those who recognize that it is our collective thoughts
and beliefs that power the Matrix will recognize the way

When we incarnate on earth, we temporarily forget the higher
truth of who we are. Our life mission is to remember, to
connect with our innermost self, so that we may transcend
the Matrix.

The reality we perceive with our senses is not the true
reality, but merely a small portion of reality, masquerading
as the whole. But, unlike the "alternate reality" that Neo
must extricate himself from, in our "reality," there is no
need to rebel. Rather, our goal should be to transcend. We
want to "be in this world, but not of it."

The outer world is a reflection of our inner thoughts and
beliefs, whether individual or collective, which have been
conditioned by our experience in the Matrix. Consequently,
the Matrix is a learning environment, where we get feedback
on how our thoughts manifest. Thankfully, our negative
thoughts do not (typically) manifest instantaneously.
Otherwise, we would risk the spontaneous destruction of our
world by thinking negative thoughts.

Clearing yourself of negative energies through daily
meditation can provide a direct link to the "ultimate
reality," i.e., the pure consciousness residing within each
of us.



Kiki ;-)

Monday, March 9, 2009

The Matrix (contd)

Continuing from yesterday's post, here is clear and concise explanation of the Matrix, by Ed Spina, a wonderful guide and author:

***** The Mystic Warrior Newsletter *****
December 2008 -- Issue #35
Escaping the Matrix

The Matrix was one of the most popular and thought-provoking
movies of all time. Viewers all over the world were
captivated by the film's primary message: People get into
deep trouble when they mistake what they perceive for
reality. What most viewers do not realize is that prior to
the release of this groundbreaking film, western
intelligence agencies were already using the term "the
Matrix" to describe today's world. This was in contrast to
their work with remote viewers, who would "escape the
matrix" to gather intelligence. Art truly does imitate life.

In the movie, the Matrix is an elaborate Artificial
Intelligence computer simulation that's so captivating that
people mistake it for reality. People perceive they are
walking about and interacting with others, but their
physical bodies are actually submerged in fluid-filled pods,
"plugged into" the Matrix, while their vital life force is
harnessed to power the Matrix.

After Neo (Keanu Reaves) learns the truth, with the help of
Morpheus's (Lawrence Fishburne) training, he is able to
overcome his misconception that the Matrix is reality. Neo
rebels against the machines that create his false reality
and, eventually, he escapes the limitations of the Matrix.
To others, he has developed superhuman abilities, but, "in
reality," he has merely recognized the truth.

Escaping the Matrix is a metaphor for the mystic path to
enlightenment. (To be contd)...



Kiki ;-)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Matrix - or life as we are experiencing it...and also

...what we can do about it...

This blog is being written to gently remind the readers of what our true reality is, and that by taking small, everyday steps to stay connected with ourselves, and by maintaining or healing (as the case may be) our Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual aspects, we can live wholesome, healthy, meaningful and purposeful lives - where we take responsibility for, and are fully empowered to, taking the best care of ourselves. Whether, then, intentionally or unintentionally, we become guiding lights for those who need the information we have - lighting, in turn, other candles with our light! I have done it - so many have, and I can show you how you can too!

Keep following the blog and take the steps suggested - you won't recognize yourself in less than one year :-)!!!

Let me leave you with Chief Seattle's famous quote, and my comment:

'When you know who you are; when your mission is clear and you burn with the inner fire of unbreakable will; no cold can touch your heart; no deluge can dampen your purpose. You know that you are alive.'

Chief Seattle


Kiki: How do we know when we're on track to 'being alive'? It is when our head, our heart, and our solar plexus are aligned. (The solar plexus is also known as the third chakra; the seat of empowerment/disempowerment; anger and peace; the area in the body where we hold emotions, is the part between the navel and the point where the ribs curve and meet at the base of the sternum.) When the head and heart are aligned, the solar plexus is calm - if it is not calm, the head and heart are NOT aligned...we are confused, and wanting things to be as they are not.

The reference to the Matrix here is specially to introduce the next few posts, from author Ed Spina's article and excellent description of the Matrix, or the illusory life. (As always, please google names and terms you find in my posts, for further information.)


Kiki ;-)