Sunday, January 18, 2009


This video clip has been around for a while but I only managed to see it today and cannot think of a better message to write than to pass the link on for those who haven't yet seen it. Please check it out (you will have to cut and paste it in your browser if the hyperlink doesn't appear). If a limbless person can do this, all of us with stronger, more whole bodies have absolutely no excuse for not picking ourselves up 'one more time' when we 'fall'.


Kiki ;-)

Friday, January 16, 2009

The fear to change

In my long experience of helping people with personal growth, again and again I have found that the biggest impediment to allowing improvement in their lives is the fear of changing. People are afraid to become 'someone else'--someone unknown to them, and this is very unsettling for most because they fear that the result of change will be finding themselves alone, without company and/or community. People forget that there's no vacuum in nature. When we change, new friends and a new community always emerges which understands and speaks our new language. When we are bold, we set an example to our friends and community. Those that like our example stay in step with us, and new friends and community appear around us -- we are never alone. Rick Nichols sent the following poem from Starhawk to his 'community' of which I'm a part, and very grateful to be so. Please read on:


Somewhere, there are people
to whom we can speak with passion
without having the words
catch in our throats.

Somewhere a circle of hands
will open to receive us,
eyes will light up as we enter,
voices will celebrate with us
whenever we come into our own power.

Community means strength
that joins our strength
to do the work
that needs to be done.

Arms to hold us when we falter.
A circle of healing.
A circle of friends.
Someplace where we can be free.

~ Starhawk


Kiki ;-)

P.S. My posts used to have the following P.S. posted at the end. I have now removed it from my subsequent blogs, having become aware of my own 'insecurity' that this material is not copyrighted...and that really doesn't matter :-)...

My request to those who 'borrow' from this blog is to please give adequate credit to the source of the borrowed information - whether me, or books and people I quote from. Thank you.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

A day or moment will always come...

...when there will be only two choices before us - to chicken out and maintain the status quo, or to take courage in both hands and break from the old mould, which we have outgrown, and which now is only causing constriction and pain by not allowing growth or even air to breathe. Which way will you go that day? Will you choose to fear the unknown and shrivel up and die...or will you risk the unknown, grow wings, and fly?

Applauding your flight...


Kiki ;-)

P.S. My request to those who 'borrow' from this blog is to please give adequate credit to the source of the borrowed information - whether me, or books and people I quote from. Thank you.

Jan 14...What we resist persists

It just makes more sense to release control than to go against the flow. A wise person surrenders to the flow and doesn't consider it a sign of weakness. Instead s/he invests the freed up energy to live life more fully.


Kiki ;-)

P.S. My request to those who 'borrow' from this blog is to please give adequate credit to the source of the borrowed information - whether me, or books and people I quote from. Thank you.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Jan 13...Be ever aware of your language

I have found again and again that what I say/express emphatically invariably comes true - not talking about declarations and wishes here, but just everyday stuff. I am therefore ever-mindful of the words and language I use, and never use a lie as an excuse. A long time ago a friend shared that she wanted to leave work early and wenrt to her boss and lied that her son was not well. Well, she reached home and that same day her son had a fall, hit himself on the head and died. Go figure!!! - but don't say things you don't want to happen.


Kiki ;-)

P.S. My request to those who 'borrow' from this blog is to please give adequate credit to the source of the borrowed information - whether me, or books and people I quote from. Thank you.

Monday, January 12, 2009

How then shall we be?

If this is the question that faces us, and we find we don't have enough information to know which way to turn, we can simplify our lives by following the famous Golden Rule:

"Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you!" Simple? Very...

... and keep the Gratitude List going...


Kiki ;-)

P.S. My request to those who 'borrow' from this blog is to please give adequate credit to the source of the borrowed information - whether me, or books and people I quote from. Thank you.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Something to think about

I recently came across this quote by the German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer and was struck by HOW MUCH truth most people are in denial about.

"All truth passes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Second it is violently opposed. Third it is accepted as self evident."

Arthur Schopenhauer

Along with many other issues, the above is also the case with modern day health care issues and healing modalities. It boggles my mind when I think of all those who will sooner pop a pill their poor liver will then have to process, than get information about alternative healing modalities... Oy vey...


Kiki ;-)

P.S. My request to those who 'borrow' from this blog is to please give adequate credit to the source of the borrowed information - whether me, or books and people I quote from. Thank you.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Where do we go from here?

Most of us, especially the baby boomers were raised as members of a highly consumptive society, and we considered ourselves fortunate. Our interpretation of a good life was (almost) instant gratification; a high level of material security; a sense of entitlement about having our wishes fulfilled and whims met, until the last decade brought home the results of this over consumption and the result of our choices blew up in our collective face.

So, where do we go from here? Huge efforts are being made by governments and NGOs everywhere to encourage us to reverse the damage, somewhat--or at leastr not add to the mess already created. The only way we can now apply the reverse gear is by aggressively educating ourselves about the various ways and means we can employ to heal our Earth. Be it recycling, curtailing the use of material that enlarges our carbon footprint, buying local, cutting down, cutting down, and cutting down some more of whatever we CAN cut down...there really is a lot we can acieve together. Do some thinking, some research, get involved, do whatever it is you can do, but for God sakes don't pretend nothing's happened, and don't ask later if there was a parade...


Kiki ;-)

P.S. My request to those who 'borrow' from this blog is to please give adequate credit to the source of the borrowed information - whether me, or books and people I quote from. Thank you.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Where you have been...

... makes NO difference at all. In the final analysis, YOU are the one you are acoountable to...if you want to make a brand new start with your life, and become the person you NOW wish to be then don't let the past hold you back. You have the right to be whoever you want to be, and believe whatever you want to believe, so give yourself the permission to grow, evolve, and become the perfect expression of yourself.

YOU are the one you've been waiting for - never forget this!


Kiki ;-)

P.S. My request to those who 'borrow' from this blog is to please give adequate credit to the source of the borrowed information - whether me, or books and people I quote from. Thank you.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

If there's nothing else you can do at this time...

...just repeat again and again in your heart, your head: "Wherever I am, there's JOY... Wherever I am, there's JOY."


Kiki ;-)

P.S. My request to those who 'borrow' from this blog is to please give adequate credit to the source of the borrowed information - whether me, or books and people I quote from. Thank you.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Your 'Bucket' List

Do you have one? A 'Bucket' list? If you didn't see the film I should tell you that the 'Bucket List' alludes to making a list of things you want to do before you kick the bucket... for anyone who doesn't know the expression it means before you pass on - leave the planet - get the idea?

Why, if you want to ask me... I'd say, to lead a fuller bring zest into your life, create some joie de of living...

Do I have one? I always have one :-)! Amongst the things on my 'Bucket List' are:

- dance with the dervishes
- visit spend time in Gary Young's Health Clinic and Essential Oil operations in Vilcabamba (the Valley of Longevity)
- learn enough Spanish to volunteer teaching stints in schools being built by Gary Young for the underprivileged children in Ecuador
- perfect (by my own standards) my Tai Chi
- learn 10 songs to play on the guitar
- get or rent a studio to splash colour on large canvasses, to my heart's content

...and this is just the start :-)!

How about you? What will bring joy and laughter into your heart, a grin to your lips, a light on your face and in your eyes? Think about it - and make that list...Trust me, you'll be glad you did. It'll change your whole perspective!


Kiki ;-)

P.S. My request to those who 'borrow' from this blog is to please give adequate credit to the source of the borrowed information - whether me, or books and people I quote from. Thank you.

Monday, January 5, 2009

The size of the 'spark' within you

We all have that SPARK OF LIFE FORCE within us. Different people have different-sized sparks. The more inner work that's done, the larger the size of that spark. How big, or small, is your spark? To get an idea, take a deep breath, e-x-h-a-l-e s-l-o-w-l-y, with the mouth slightly open -- open, because there's a huge rush of negative emotions trapped in stale energy that wants to be expelled from the body...and not too open because that'll dry your mouth up. Do this 3-5 times, which should be sufficient to give you a sense of balance within. Then get a sense of the 'spark of life force' within -- go with the first image you get -- so, how what was the size of this spark? Whatever it ws, chances are you can make it MUCH bigger - because the bigger it is the more balanced you will find your life is, and the more at peace with yourself you will be -- the more fulfilled you will discover your life is becoming.

Are you wondering what you can do to kindle your spark into a gigantic flame? Find your fears, overcome them, connect with your inner world.. way richer than the outer one, and for some help and tips on how to bring all this about check the past issues of this blog. Need more help, please feel free to contact me for more information. Above all, be blessed...


Kiki ;-)

P.S. My request to those who 'borrow' from this blog is to please give adequate credit to the source of the borrowed information - whether me, or books and people I quote from. Thank you.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Don't make resolutions...

...SET GOALS instead. Tomorrow is the first Monday of 2009, and most people are going to be back at work. Already feeling inundated with thoughts of work? stress? another year of the same ol' same ol'? If yes, then it's time to ask yourself what you'd like to REALLY have more of in your life. Make a list...write down what you'd like to have accomplished, achieved, gained when December '09 rolls around. Take a few minutes now to think about this and write down how you'd like this year to end for you. Then, just keep the energy that inspired you to make your list alive by placing the list where you will see it everyday. Imagine how it would FEEL to have your list come true and connect often with that feeling. There you go! -- you're on your way to what you'd dearly love to be, do, and have...

Don't underestimate the power of intention, and visualization.

With every good wish for your dreams to come true,

Kiki ;-)

P.S. My request to those who 'borrow' from this blog is to please give adequate credit to the source of the borrowed information - whether me, or books and people I quote from. Thank you.

Friday, January 2, 2009

On the second day of 2009

A day comes and goes, and then the next one comes and goes... but if we want our lives to improve and have more quality we just have to change the way we think and do things - slowly, one baby step at a time...

The following beautiful verse was sent on Facebook by one of my Facebook friends which I want to share with everyone.

"Only as high as I reach can I grow,
Only as far as I seek can I go,
Only as deep as I look can I see,
Only as much as I dream can I be."

Think outside the box, read a new self-help book, get a healing session, sign up for a self-growth workshop, have coffee with someone who knows more than you - do whatever calls to you, but do DO SOMETHING. Here's hoping you will...

Kiki ;-)

P.S. My request to those who 'borrow' from this blog is to please give adequate credit to the source of the borrowed information - whether me, or books and people I quote from. Thank you.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Your Best Friend

Thanks to Kathy Almond of the Facebook group Louise L. Hay for this poem!


My Best Friend

Today I found a friend,
Who knew everything I felt.
Knew my every weakness,
And the problems I've been dealt.
S/he understood my wonders,
And listened to my dreams.
To how I felt about life and love,
And knew what it all means.

Not once was I interrupted,
Or told that I was wrong.
S/he understood what I was going through,
And promised to stay long

I reached out to my friend
To get a bit nearer
And realized that this perfect friend I found
Was nothing but my mirror.

Have fun with your best friend :-)!
Kiki ;-)

P.S. My request to those who 'borrow' from this blog is to please give adequate credit to the source of the borrowed information - whether me, or books and people I quote from. Thank you.