Thursday, July 10, 2008

The hardest things to do

The two hardest things to do, in life:

- The first is to TAKE responsibility for whatever it is that happens to you.

- The second hardest thing is to NOT blame someone else for any, and all, bad things that happen to you.

These are very, very hard to do, I'm sure everyone here will agree... But, guess what? When we take responsibility we stop blaming, or being victims, and that's when we evolve to the level of mastery, when life pulls out all the stops, to unfold itself for you, bringing you untold joy, happiness and contentment. The path is really very simple, but unfortunately, not easy. However, what we came here to do was exactly this - to work to achieve this mastery... and not to merely eat, sleep and procreate.

We have choices to make everyday... What are YOU going to choose to do?

Kiki ;-)
P.S. My request to those who 'borrow' from this blog is to please give adequate credit to the source of the borrowed information - whether me, or books and people I quote from. Thank you.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The pathway to enlightenment...

... is considered long and hard by most... which indeed it is, until the time we decide to have it, no matter the cost--by taking the firm decision to search for it anywhere and everywhere, and try all possible means to achieve it. And then, believe it or not, you find the door right in front of you -- waiting for you to place your hand on the doorknob and turn it. No sooner than you reach this far, the door opens, as if on cue -- and all you have to do is to step inside. And that's when we realize just how blind and deaf we've been, and so removed from that which is truly real.

Try it, you'll love it! And, you'll never again be impressed by fake substitutes of the joyous 'high' which will forever surround and impermeate you, once you experience the 'hit' of enlightenment.

Kiki ;-)
P.S. My request to those who 'borrow' from this blog is to please give adequate credit to the source of the borrowed information - whether me, or books and people I quote from. Thank you.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I'm back - with a poem by Hafiz

Hi All,

I'm happy to be back... with a poem by Hafiz, as translated by the inimitable Daniel Ladinsky, in his book 'The Gift'.


Union is like this:

You feel cold
So I reach for a blanket to cover
Our shivering feet.

A hunger comes into your body
So I run to my garden
And start digging potatoes.

You asked for a few words of comfort and guidance,
I quickly kneel at your side offering you
This whole book--
As a gift.

You ache with loneliness one night
So much you weep

And I say,

Here's a rope,
Tie it around me,

Will be your companion
For life.

Kiki ;-)
P.S. My request to those who 'borrow' from this blog is to please give adequate credit to the source of the borrowed information - whether me, or books and people I quote from. Thank you.